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Video Credit: Arbuckle Industries

Once that big milestone year rolls around, i.e. 5, 10, 20, 50, many companies like to celebrate by reminding the public about what has made them so awesome and successful for so many years. It can be a great opportunity to illustrate to your clients your longstanding place in the market and to build confidence in why they should continue using your services.

Video Credit: Arbuckle Industries

The difficulty with these films is finding a way to make them compelling without just turning them into slideshows. Companies often don't have a lot of archival imagery to illustrate their past, and it's tricky to show off future projects that haven't happened yet! But we've had a few requests for anniversary videos lately and have struck a nice formula. It's interesting to note that three of the firms that reached out to us were started decades ago by their current leaders' parents or grandparents.

Video Credit: Arbuckle Industries

Because of this, the films naturally had an interesting story. We were also fortunate that enough archival material still existed for us to complement the history portion of the videos. Shen Milsom & Wilke even asked us to create a second video only documenting the history of the firm. For that, the only interview we needed to conduct was with Fred Shen, a co-founder.

TIP: If you have a lot of archival photos and imagery, consider investing some money into animating these assets. By giving them a sleek, modern feel, they'll fit into the edit more seamlessly. Read more about this technique on our recent blog post about still photo animation.


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