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Last night one of our recent videos premiered at the Harlem Edge Exhibition at the Center for Architecture. The video explores the recent biennial ideas competition that the Emerging New York Architects (ENYA) held recently for an abandoned Marine Transfer Station (aka pier to transfer trash from dumptrucks to barges back when the landfill at Fresh Kills was open) at 135th Street in Harlem along the Hudson. With almost 100 entries the turnout was a massive crowd full of young Architects and designers that couldn't helped but to be lured in by the free open bar. I got a lot of positive feedback on the video and we're pretty happy with the way it turned out. We wanted to include a range of boat shots from the water or some from inside the building but the budget was tight and the Dept. of Sanitation shut us out. So check it out below or swing by the Center for Architecture anytime between now and the end of October to see the exhibition and our video on loop for infinity!

The final video can be seen here and the photo is credited to Kirsten Sibilia.

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